Sunday, August 10, 2008

Father and Son at the track

Today was fun,

We mowed the lawn(s), weed whacked, had friends over for dinner with their daughter and what else? Oh Yeah! I took Jordan (7) to the nearby running track and ran a bit.

I went there to just take a short jaunt of 3 miles (veeery slowly) after my big long run yesterday of 13 miles in order to "recover" my legs.

Jordan and I both packed a couple 20 ounce bottles full of Gatorade powder and ice and headed off to the track - as if we were heading to the Gobi Dessert or something. We also brought sunscreen and sunglasses along to protect us from the sun.

Jordan did very well! I ran one lap and walked the subsequent one each time. He joined me on about half of the laps. When he got a little wimpy I suggested we regale the local wildlife with our impressive physiques (take our shirts off and run) and this motivated him enough to keep running with me.

I'm glad he tried it. Both our children love to try new things each day and that makes me feel like we are at least getting one thing right :)

Best part of all: holding hands with my 7 year old son as we trotted along, hand in hand with shirts off and sunscreen on - taking in the mid-day sun and cool breezes from the approaching storm to the north.

Who says running is boring?

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