Tuesday, October 21, 2008

moving right along, know thy corral

I don't feel completely better yet from my cold but I couldn't wait to get back to even my limited training...ran 10 miles today...

It was like I was expecting some great endorphin rush or something...

I suppose I got it a bit but nothing crazy really - even though my effort was difficult fighting the cold, soreness from a recent massage therapy session and the elements (dramatic wind, hills, the threat of rain, cold). It was a bit of a let-down but I'm glad I was able to do it - all at race pace too (9 minute miles) believe it or not.

I got my registration card in the mail today for the marathon. It's required in order to get your race number from the race Expo (read: place to get numbers and spend a ton of money on marathon shwag) using your registration card. I now have an official race number and a couple other things. I now also have a wave (orange) which tells me I start my race at 10 am, not 9:40 or 10:20am. I also know that my corral is "A" which helps race organizers funnel us, like cattle, into corrals when we are about to start the race (there are 5 or so for my wave).

Getting closer.

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