Monday, September 22, 2008

and the training keeps going... and going... and..

That's right, the training never ends.

I think I'm on a 19 week training plan and have a little bit more than 5 weeks left...oy.

Trying to find ways to get to motivated. I ran a half marathon yesterday in the hopes of getting motivated. The boulder half marathon to be exact.

I didn't do as well as I would have liked but i was extremely disciplined in the race so hopefully that translates to a strong marathon in nyc. Motivating? not really... but was nice to run somewhere different.

I've logged more than 300 miles as of today (as part of this training plan)- on my way to 500 by the marathon....

That segways nicely to an injury update!

Knee problems are gone - hallelujah!

Hip pain/soreness is here... and camping out it seems...

Latest issue is overworked Gluteus Medius. Yeah, it only hurts when I... well, when i do anything requiring forward motion. The good news is that I have a great massage therapist, who should be paying me quite honestly - she inflicts pain on a regular basis (read: cleaves muscle from bone) but, like a good masochist... I suck it up and say - "if i were just in better shape this wouldn't hurt"... pfft. It would still hurt.

Other than that, the training continues. I'm up around 40 miles a week or so - which is about all the beating I can take until my next training plan begins.. which I'm targeting for December.

It isn't all doom and gloom honestly. I'm looking forward to the big race in NYC and being VERY healed up for that. I have my last long run happening this Saturday (22 miles) and am looking forward to winding down the miles after that and prior to the race.

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